第3回日独合同若手ミーティング/ 13th GfE School 2021 joint with JSDB
"Stem cells, development, and regeneration:
the emergence of new tissues"
on-line meeting
“Stem cells, development, and regeneration: the emergence of new tissues”
Topics covers a wide range of researches on tissue formation such as tissue formation during development, tissue formation from stem cells, and tissue regeneration in various species.
Dates(German time, CET):
Sunday 28 November 2021, 11:00 — Tuesday 30 November 2021, 13:00 (3 days)
Considering the time difference, Japanese participants will make presentations mainly in the morning session 9:00-13:00 (CET) / 17:00-21:00 (JST) on November 29th. Japanese participants are required to participate in this session, but participation to other sessions are also welcome.
“Stem cells, development, and regeneration: the emergence of new tissues”
2021年11月28日(日)11時 から 30日(火)13時の3日間
時差を考慮し、日本側参加者は、主に11月29日の午前中(ドイツ時間)のセッション 9:00-13:00 (CET) / 17:00-21:00 (JST)で発表し、このセッションへの参加を義務付けるが、他のセッションへの参加も歓迎する。
Guest Speakers / 招聘講演者:
Ryuichi Nishinakamura/西中村隆一 (Kumamoto Univ., / 熊本大学)
Anne Grapin-Botton (Univ. Copenhagen, デンマーク)
Yuval Rinkevich (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Michael Brand (Technishe Univ. Dresden)
Katherina Sonnen (Hubrecht Institute、オランダ)
Takashi Hiragii (EMBL)
Lazaro Centanin (Univ. Heidelberg)
Gilbert Weidinger (Univ. Ulm)
Max Yun (Technishe Univ. Dresden)
Kerstin Bartscherer (Hubrecht Institute、オランダ)
Nikolay Ninov (Technishe Univ. Dresden)
Organizers / オーガナイザー:
Hiroshi sasaki/佐々木洋(Osaka Univ. / 大阪大学), Cantas Alev (Kyoto Univ. / 京都大学) , Shigeo Hayashi/林茂生 (RIKEN BDR / 理化学研究所) Kerstin Bartscherer (Univ. Osnabruck), Nikolay Ninov (CRTD, TU Dresden), Thomas Thumberger (Heidelberg Univ.).